Understanding Spiritual Food

In 1 Corinthians 3:2, the Apostle Paul highlights a crucial aspect of young adults' spiritual growth: “I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it.” This metaphor emphasizes the importance of spiritual nourishment. Paul addresses the immaturity of the Corinthians, who allowed envy and strife to overshadow their faith. Instead of following Jesus, they divided themselves by choosing sides between Paul and Apollos.

The Need for Spiritual Nourishment

Paul's message underscores that spiritual food goes beyond mere knowledge. In Hebrews 5:12, the necessity for growth becomes apparent: "For everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child." Young adults must develop their understanding through practice and engagement.

The Importance of Maturity

Identifying Immaturity

Many believers, especially young adults, may find themselves stuck in a state of spiritual immaturity. This immaturity manifests as a lack of discernment and an inability to engage meaningfully with their faith.

Young adults Moving Towards Maturity

Hebrews 5:14 teaches us that “solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice.” This training involves actively engaging with scripture and living out its teachings. For young adults, spiritual growth requires not just intake but active implementation of what they learn.

Transitioning from Milk to Solid Food

The Role of Pure Milk

In 1 Peter 2:2, Peter encourages believers to "long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation." However, as young adults mature in their faith, they must transition from relying solely on this milk to engaging with solid food.

Recognizing Solid Food

Solid food is not found in searching for deeper truths, or diving deep into discussion about heady theological topics (which can be important). Many young adults today focus on theology, or personal benefits of faith rather than embracing their role in obeying the basic teachings of Jesus . This shift is essential for genuine spiritual growth.

Young Adults Participation in Spiritual Growth

Engaging with Scripture

It is impossible for young adults' to have spiritual growth by only by studying the word. It must be lived, ministered, shared, and applied with lasting results. Going from discussions that challenge us to applying biblical principles in our lives, this active engagement fosters a deeper real faith.

Leading by Example

What exactly is spiritual solid food? To get the best understanding we have to look at Jesus who is the best example we have. We all agree that Jesus was spiritually mature. He did not need spiritual milk.

As Jesus stated in John 4:34, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me.”

In this story Jesus and the disciples are very hungry while traveling through Samaria. While the disciples go to a town to buy some food, Jesus is sitting at the well and gets into a conversation with a sinful woman. Although that woman spoke from a logical line of thinking, Jesus talked to her from a spiritual standpoint. He was speaking words of eternal truth and giving her answers that she did not expect. On top of it he showed her prophetic insight into her life. All of that caused the woman to believe and witness to the whole town about him.

Interestingly Jesus did not seem to be hungry anymore after ministering to this lady. The disciples wondered if anybody had given him food. Jesus responded with the verse we just read: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me…” The very words that Jesus spoke to her full of spirit and truth, became food for him that strengthened his Spirit, Soul and Body.

Conclusion: Linking Spiritual Growth to Leadership

In conclusion we learn that the solid food is not a higher level of theology, it is more a level of maturity based on the practice of walking with Jesus and ministering to people in the Spirit. That is why many times in ministry, although physically exhausted, we feel strengthened and revived. If we feel worn out or dry this might be an indication that` we have been ministering out of our own strength, gifts and abilities and not living the word. Solid food is knowing the truth and living by it!

As you embark on your journey of spiritual growth as a young adult, consider the opportunities to lead others in this transformative process. If you feel called to share what you've learned, check out our article, "
The Beginner’s Guide to Small Group Leadership." This resource will equip you with practical tools and insights to effectively lead a small group, fostering a space where spiritual growth flourishes.

Remember, every small step contributes to significant change. Just as Jesus invested in the lives of those around Him, you have the chance to impact others through your leadership. Embrace the challenge, and watch as you grow alongside those you lead.

Written by 

Benjamin Kort

Study Theology THat Equips you Practically!

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