Career opportunities after studying theology

For many prospective students, studying theology is associated with a very special personal motivation. However, one question that arises for every student is the question of career opportunities after studying theology. In this article, we look at the career prospects as a theology student and show why theology is a promising choice of study, especially today.

 Duration: 4 minutes

Are you also concerned with questions such as...

"Is a theology degree still relevant in our society?", or "Can you even make a living from it?"

Many people that are interested in theology ask themselves the following questions. "Will you even get a job?" "Who hires a theologian?"

Theology is a fascinating field that attracts students for a variety of reasons. But these questions are often obstacles. That's why we want to answer some of these questions and dispel myths about this topic.

Theologians are needed, and more than ever!

The increasing secularization of society cannot be denied, since more and more people are leaving the high churches. According to current projections, the Evangelical Church in Germany is likely to lose around half of its members by 2060. The proportion of Catholics in the population is also declining. So you might think, "We don't need theologians anymore." But in fact you couldn't be more wrong! This development does not indicate fewer potential jobs for theology graduates in the labor market. It is precisely this fact, despite the skepticism that it brings, that speaks to the need for more people to study theology than ever before.

How so? First of all, the development described above affects not only the members of the churches but also the church staff, especially the pastors: In the Catholic and Protestant churches alone, the shortage of priests is estimated to be a deficit of 14,000 that need to be filled– a supply vacuum that can also be interpreted by theologians-to-be as a personal career opportunity.

Updating the church

In addition to the career potential in the high churches, there is also the stable or even growing milieu of the evangelical free churches. Their in-house training centers often have too little capacity and competence. Therefore the Free Churches in particular appreciate academically trained pastors and theologians.

Across denominational boundaries, observations have been made that there is an increasing willingness within the church to rethink pastoral work beyond familiar structures and formats. That could be through event concepts specifically aimed at young people. For motivated theology graduates who like to take on responsibility, this means plenty of room for creativity. Especially in this area, career opportunities increase greatly after theology studies.

What if you don't want to become a pastor?

Are you interested in studying theology, but don't want to automatically become a pastor? Don't worry: With a theology degree, a variety of alternative doors are open to you. Doors that lead to both church and non-church institutions.

Those interested in studying theology often enjoy the challenge of critical thinking required to engage with the intellectual history of faith. Whether you enjoy discussing questions of religious ethics or another motivation that excites you to study theology, you will find that a degree in theology opens up several religious and secular career paths. The skills you acquire through the study of theology are needed more than ever in our complex world.

Requested skills inside and outside the church

In theology studies, you will learn to analyze scriptures, concepts, and arguments in a variety of contexts. These study disciplines require critical thinking and the ability to interpret data precisely. You will learn to discuss key concepts with others and evaluate their relevance and validity. Respect for the beliefs of others and the ability to engage in dialogue with those who hold opposing views are developed in the academic environment of theology studies.

These transferable skills that you develop during your studies will open the doors to many different professions inside and outside the Church. In an increasingly globalized world, you'll stand out from other graduates through the vision, creativity, and religious sensibility you take with you from the theology studies.

Theology graduates in secular professions 

In the secular sector, graduates of theology studies have the opportunity to work in the field of education. Either in the context of an academic career at schools and universities or in the field of adult education. In the private sector, for example, journalism and employment in social organizations are popular options for theologians. Those who want to remain in their Mother Church can also make a career there as a non-cleric. Administration in the church is one example. 

Conclusion: Studying theology is worthwhile – in many respects!

With so many career opportunities, there is no doubt that theology studies offer attractive perspectives not only on a content level. The career prospects after studying theology offer you the opportunity not only to shape your life in a diverse way, but also to take on responsibility in our society. Anyone who studies theology today and wants to stand up for people in this society has a good chance of finding a job that is fun and secures financial support.