Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…
Matthew 28:19
*This percentage reflects an average based on a recent survey in the U.S. and Germany conducted with 1000+ pastors. The survey reported that 53% of U.S. pastors and a staggering 75% of European pastoral leaders answered that seminary did not prepare them for the ministry field. For more information regarding this study, see www.pastoralcare.inc and Dr. Hartmut Knorr’s work or contact us for more information.
THS Student Experience:

Sponsor Augustine with up to $400 a month to cover the cost for education.

Sponsor Christy with up to $400 a month to cover the cost for education or help us buy her a laptop.

Sponsor Bledi with up to $400 a month to cover the cost for education.

Sponsor Brendan with up to $300 a month to cover the cost for education.